Thursday, January 26, 2012

Getting over the cold and still losing weight.

Well, i missed a few days since my last blog. Lets fast forward to current events. So, I set a few new years resolutions this year. Save money, lose weight and ride more, maybe compete, maybe. Well, thus far i have managed to drop from 196 Lbs to 172.4 today. How is that possible? Basically, I've been on the atkins diet. But, slightly modified. I didnt fast for a whole day like the diet says you have to do, i just stopped eating carbs. Initially  the weight came flying off, we're talking 10 pounds in 2 weeks. Then i kinda stalled out. I didnt  know why, but the weight loss slowed and it flexed up and down +/- 4 lbs. Well, i figured that my body figured out what was going on and decided to slow my metabolism to compensate. So i figured that i would force that fat bastard to move. I decided that riding the trainer every other night kept my metabolism elevated and thus the weight loss gained speed again. I also replaced breakfast and lunch with No-Carb Rockstar energy drinks. Now, before you think im gonna die from lack of nutrition and being over caffeinated, I take a multi-vitamin and fiber-con to keep things moving. I also eat a ton of protein when i get home, Pork chops chicken, fish and eggs. spinach and other low carb high fiber vegetables. My goal is to get down around 155, i m 5'6" i think thats a good target weight. Im hoping to get my body fat percentage down to 6-8%.

I had a cold earlier this week that kept me from doing any work on the bike. But, i have recovered and look forward to doing a couple hours work each day. I am also stoked about ordering a new bike. Soon ill be riding a fuji SL-1 Le with ultegra grouppo. Between the loss of weight on my fat ass and the bike, its a 31 pound difference. By the time i get the bike it will be more. Im hoping this will improve my power to weight ratio. We'll see.

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